ELEFSINA: AR in situ


At the above link, you can explore the AR in situ version of the game developed in the project.

In order to try it, you need to be in Elefsina, the city chosen for this purpose.

To play the game, you have to try it from your mobile phone or your tablet . You must have the "location" of the mobile phone selected, as well as of course the data open!

At the beginning, you will be asked to enter a "Username" and "Password". If this is your first time playing the game, use the option: "Don't have an account? Register Here".

The game progresses in "routes/points" in the city of Elefsina. To complete it, you must visit ALL the "routes" that you find there (Train Station, Old Municipal Hospital, Prometheus Statue). In order for the challenges to appear at each point of a route, you must get very close to the point! When you get there, the camera of the mobile device will automatically start and the relevant puzzle will appear (e.g. find and photograph a point, or find and select some 3D objects). Read the literary texts to see exactly what you have to do and use whatever helpful information you are given!

Once you've managed to solve everything these routes ask you to do, a “Final” challenge will appear. If you succeed with this one too, you've made a big step!

But even if you don't manage to solve the puzzles, don't be disappointed. You can try again or simply enjoy your tour of the beauties of Elefsina and the literary passages associated with it.


When you finish the game, if you have any concerns or suggestions, don't hesitate to send us your thoughts (via the "CONTACT" option) to help us improve it!